about the author

I was four when I decided to be a writer. For forty-six years, though I suffered from life-gets-in-the-way-osis. Cured in 2010, I now write in the speculative thriller genre (horror, science fiction, thriller, psychopaths, mystery, in the style of Stephen King). Since then I've published several novels including conceiving and co-project managing the Amazon #1 best-selling anthology "From The IndieSide".
I'm passionate about the art of writing the short story and have written dozens of stories and novellas-many published award winners in Australia, U.S.A., and UK. I also pen book and film reviews and every Thursday I'm on Radio CurtinFM in Perth Western Australia on my movie review show.
Most days I'm your average mother and wife living in Perth, Western Australia, but my dark thriller storyline with wicked twists I blame on my darn imagination that constantly ventures into the crevices of dark worlds, whether I want to go there or not.
I hope you enjoy my stories and if you do please spread the word.